We expect roses all along the way but conveniently forget that a few thorns will lie hidden. Some curse God for this but I call it the occupational hazard of ...LIFE!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thalaivar birthday celebrations 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Oh! I was a kid then..

Thursday, November 05, 2009
Thevar Magan - Magic of Kamal and Ilayaraja
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Flora and Fauna @ Elangadu

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Diwali 2009 @ Bangalore

This was the first time that I spent Diwali weekend in Bangalore.
It was a good one with driving all the way to Salem for crackers; lots of shopping in Hosur; a totally vegetarian but very delicious Diwali (topped with sweets from four states!); spending quality time with friends.
This weekend seemed too long and happy.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Valaigaapu Kavidhai
கை பிடித்தேன்
வரம் கேட்டாள்
உயிர் தந்தேன்
சிறை வைத்தாள்
பத்து மாதம்
பிறை விலங்கு விலக்க
வளை அணி விழா
மார்கழி ஐந்தில்
மேட்டுபட்டி சந்தில்
கரம் கூப்பி
உண்மைகள் பொய் ஆக
உங்கள் மொய் - என்
வங்கி கணக்கை
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
En Thaai Pirandha Desam
வீரத்தை சரித்திரம் புதைக்காது
நாட்டை நினைக்கும் நெஞ்சங்கள்
வாடகை மூச்சில் வாழாது
இறந்த உயிர்களோ கணக்கில்லை
இருமி சாவதில் சிறப்பில்லை
இன்னும் என்னடா விளையாட்டு
எதிரி நரம்பிலே கொடி ஏத்து!
நிலத்தடியில் புதைந்திருக்கும்
பிணங்களுக்கும் மனம் துடிக்கும்
தாயோ பத்தே மாசம் தான்
அதிகம் சுமந்தது தேசம் தான்
உயிரும் உடலும் யார் தந்தார்?
உணர்ந்து பார்த்தால் தேசம் தான்
இந்த புழுதி தான் உடல் ஆச்சு
இந்த காற்று தான் உயிர் மூச்சு
இன்று இரண்டுமே பறி போச்சு
இன்னும் என்னடா வெறும் பேச்சு?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Religious Rants

If you are an atheist, there is just one religion for you. If you are a theist, then God save you! Half the problems in today's world are either through religion or religious men.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Am back..
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Back to India
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Muncie's Thiruvalluvar

You read the title right...thats how I call him. And boy...look at his beard....how else can I call him?
Tamil Street Dance aka Kuthu dance
This song is where friends go and dance about in one of their friend's sister marriage.....the dance is full of energy and life....look out for the dance bit at 2:02...rocks!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Aadi 28

Monday, August 17, 2009
Chicken Curry and Chicken Biriyani Recipes
Cookout at Tim's place

Keeping up a promise to Tim and Karen, I went down there this Saturday and cooked two South Indian dishes. Chicken Curry and Chicken Biriyani. It was such a fun filled and satisfying experience. I learnt a lot from Karen on parenting and keeping the family happy and fit.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
District 9
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
50 years to the legend Kamal!

Hairy Tales!
(its a Youtube Video link)
Now, that's a hair raising tale!...:))
At least Chennai gets its due ...:)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Freaky Tiki Friday

Sunday, August 09, 2009
MIT Moments - 1
It was the first year, I think. We were in NSS camp somewhere near Chengalpattu (behind those small hills that neatly line up along GST). Murali, Pyma, Dhana and me used to stick around those days. Mornings will pass with doing some activities in the village and the evenings will go with some fun games and stuff. We were like 80 people and divided into groups. Each group took turns in staying back at the camp and helping with cooking and serving food.
Now, there was a girl that I used to 'sight' those days. She was in Pyma's group (I think). So, when it was their turn to serve food, it was all arranged that Pyma will make her take the exact food that Murali or I wanted or atleast note what she has. So, she was all the time at our end serving something or the other. She suddenly got wind of it and went the other side. As you know, in a South Indian meal, you eat curd/buttermilk rice after rasam rice. So, we were like in the curd rice and she was having the rasam bucket with her. Thats when I became extra bold and called 'Rasam, please'. She came with a frown on and asked 'heyy...think you are already having curd rice'. I still don't know how I did that. But I simply pointed to Murali and said 'he likes rasam in his curd rice, you know. So, if you can...'. She just poured the rasam hastily and left in a huff.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Offbeat movies 2 - Apocalypse Now

Humour at office - 1
I did not.
There was nothing remotely pleasant about the movie where a family (husband, wife and child) are taken hostage by two teenagers (within the first 10 min). The whole movie was about how each one is killed in their own sweet time.
And the sick part was when the lady takes a gun and shoots one of them down. The other teenager searches for the TV remote. And while I was wondering why the hell should he be searching for the tv remote, the director comes up with a blinder! The guy presses the rewind button and the whole movie rolls back to the point when the wife shoots. When it replays, the guy pulls away the gun from her just before she shoots! sigh....
I wish the director dies in the exact same way in real life.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Rib Fest in Muncie

At the gun range

Friday, July 31, 2009
Indian Music
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Offbeat movies - 1

New Jersey Drive (1995) (Drama/Action)
The Hammer (2007) (Comedy)
Event Horizon (1997) (Sci Fi/Horror/Thriller)
Water fountain

Friday, July 24, 2009
Intimate Strangers

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Life aka Casino (The Gita way)

The only new thing I can think of which is not covered in any holy book is that you are not only playing with the chips but you are a/the f**king chip for someone else. That adds a new and profound meaning to your life. So when someone rolls a dice somewhere, chances are that you are going to be tossed around! Exciting life, eh!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Elusive Rabbit

Like Tom Cruise behind Rabbit's foot in MI3, I had been keeping a watch for this elusive rabbit that keeps playing in the lawn in front of the apartment. Ramya wanted to see this in a picture and everytime I tried to get the camera out, this would disappear. At last today, I was able to slyly catch it on a pic...:)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Compare and Lose

Monday, July 20, 2009
At my boss place

It was an evening to remember, last Friday. I took off early in the afternoon. Made some good pepper chicken; went to the Conconnan's and got pasteries; shopped at Borders for a book; and finally got a Napa Valley wine. With all this went down to my boss Tim's place. Karen, Dan and Greg were there. Tim's place is a lovely home with a beautiful backyard. Tim had soaked beef fillet in the seasoning and was just about to grill them out when I went in. Karen topped with baked potatoes and corn. So, there we all sat outside in a rather chill evening for a summer and feasted. Tim's wine was good; the fillet was awesome and the company was the best. We talked about this and that and ended with some watermelons for dessert. It was 10 pm when I left with a feeling of having visited home away from home.
'Adam' Laptop

To think this was one of the first laptops to come into being and still running....wow!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Of Valiant Men and Valentine

- V
As every Valentine runs by, in the last twelve years, the net sum feelings in the heart is given by the above rather crisp message from the movie 'V for Vendetta'. The protaganist in the movie utters the above in a way different context but heyyy....that fits me. And the phonetics of 'V' gives a comfort feeling.
It started on a bright summer day in Chennai. Year 1995. The phone rang and I picked it up. The other end said 'Happy Valentine..'. The ball started rolling. It took me four full days to confirm and reconfirm with my friends (those ^&&^**&&*) that only people in love utter those magic words. Oh my God....and I did not even respond on that day. From that moment onwards, the phone bills went up; guys became enemies (oh...the ones who say that this is not love); vijay became my favourite hero (those one sided love story movies!); computer classes became hot (my father lost Rs. 35000 there...hey....not me!); white shirts became staple (she liked white). Once after seeing one Prabhu Deva - Kajol movie with her and mutual friends, I waited an hour outside the movie theatre to wave to her as her car goes out. Later, found out that she had taken the other exit and long gone. Hmm...one of the first waits. It took me ...hold your breath...five years to find the courage to utter the response to her. And the reply was..."ok....hmm....heyy....i never thought you in that manner....heyy...heeyy....where r u running?"
I never looked back. Strangely, did not cry also. Now, one thing here which I have never given out till date: I did eat Biriyani that day (this is for you....MITians!). Few days back, one of my friends who studied in those computer classes and me were catching up. Suddenly that guy said 'machan....those days...when I used to feel a bit low...I used to wear whites". I was trying hard to recollect the connection when he finished, "....you know she likes whites...". It was sort of poetic hurt when I surmised that it was not me wearing whites that had her approval...it was white wearing guys....Goddd!
Came out of college; joined a company. And there she enters (heyy...this is a new entry!). I started taking a liking (when did I not?) and this time did not hold out for long. Six months later, told her. Negative. Again, Muniyandi Vilas (Tamil Nadu ethnic restaurant to have Biriyani!). Somehow, we became good friends for two years. And one day, strictly out of curiosity, had asked her the Q...'heyy....was there even a ...hmmm..chance that time?'. And know what her #$%%^&* reply was?..."you know...if you had stopped talking....I would have agreed in ...two days...but you were a gem". I almost fainted. My fair lady....I would have happily been a piece of coal then, seriously!
I thought that was the end. I was wrong.
Then came my love. The one which I can never write in the same humorous way as above. Took away my breath. And this time....she did like me (my #$$#$%$% God....at last!). Villian came in a different form. Love. Period. Hurt. Period. Muniyandi Vilas.
Today, looking back, seems like I lost something along the way. Maybe my innocence. But gained immensely from my encounters. What? Weight, you @##$$%%^ idiot...all the #$%$%$$% beer went inside me only na...
As I write, I overhear my early-twenties-roomie excitedly discussing about the Valentine day specials!
I...no no...
V for....Vendetta.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Naan Kadavul (I am God)

Archived mails
For all those who tolerated me, a big thanks!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
With Thambi in Newport, Jersey City

Monday, July 13, 2009
Jim, Carol and the Hound of the Baskervilles
So, the first two days went in Niagara, Chippewa street and Lewiston Whirlpool Jet Ride. What started as a 'strict one margarita' at Lewiston village pub went onto 15 drinks with 7 shots in it. By the end of it, we were hooting to the local band playing and calling quite a few people in India over phone(he he he!). The last day went in Beaver Island Park with us sipping on beers and playing volley! That was when Raj came up with the idea of partying at Jim's place.
Now, Jim is Raj's friend. In his 50s. Lives up in East Aurora village in a place which is like the village limits with the forest on one side. When we landed up at his place, it was around 10 pm. Jim had setup a perfect partying place with a fire, standup lamps, chairs, tables, beer and what not. The setup was in his backyard touching the woods. Just to the partying place, a road led up from the back to nowhere. When checked, it landed in a house decorated in lights with a ranch that we could make out in that poor light. Nothing else around. Just the two houses and the woods. And it was very cold for a summer night.
We were around 8 guys who were overjoyed with the party settings and partly scared with the surroundings. I mean what were we like one day before ...partying in Chippewa street with all that glitz and glamour and crowd...and here we were in a setup straight out of Ram Gopal Verma's mind.
Anyway, the beer flowed and kept us in senses. Some Spanish songs followed by Hindi songs set the crowd in a dance. Jim's definition of Indian dance was to run around his house with his hands flailing up in the air! Deepak and Praneet grooved with Singh. Prasad and JK caught up now and then in it!
Me was sipping beer and sitting near the fire. That’s when I saw those legs on that road half hidden in the dark and the shrubs. One second....and they moved. Still, could not make out the figure except that it was a lady. I crept upto Raj and told him and he passed it on to Jim. Idea was that Jim would be able to figure out and we could get over it. Nopes...either the beer got to him or he never expected someone, he had a creepy look which was worse than ours! Anyways, we called out 'whoz there?' and out stepped Carol!
Carol is the loner in her 50s who lived up there in the house with lights. You heard it right...a loner in that lonely house up the drive next to a ranch (a straight rip off from the Hound of the Baskervilles). No hounds but....horses. We couldn’t avoid the question and asked "how do you live alone in this scary setting?” Her answer summed up what we missed to see "I don’t see anything scary here...it’s beautiful". Imagine...the woods...two lonely houses...a ranch with horses...moonlit night...a party....now, that’s what we read in a fairy tale, right?...:) We missed the pic at that point. When the above thought was settling and we were about to smile, Jim and Carol added "ohh ...a coupe of bears do turn up here." So much for a fairy tale...sigh.
Carol and Jim sang and danced together. We all stood up and sang our National Anthem (that’s the common song we all knew...Indians!). Later, it got too cold outside. So, me walked into Jim's house. Everything in there was antique...in the real sense. Jim was not a collector. Its just that he never changed to new things. So, instead of a cd music system, we found a tape recorder. TVs (small tv, medium tv, tiny tv) in all rooms. Old gramophone player. A bird in a cage which will whistle if you whistle. A painting of Mark Twain (yeah..u heard it right) which looked more like Stapleton (again from HOTB). His attic was filled with weird things like a head made of plaster of Paris in a glass bowl, old horror movies, etc. Someone said that Jim used to have a snake as a pet. That’s when all of us walked quietly and quickly out of the house. Enough for one party to freak you out…free beer or not.
When we started from there, it was like 2 am in the morning. Jim played the perfect host and acted like an air traffic controller when we backed out our cars. That is still my image of Jim whenever I think of that night!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Road Trip
I have a couple of interesting incidents that I will cover in the next few blogs. More than anything, this time alone gave me a confidence of discovering myself. I understand that I need to have such breaks to see 'within' and add yet another perspective to the kaleidoscope called life.
Incidents to follow...first, its about Jim, Carol and the Hound of the Baskervilles.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Kungfu Panda
R for Rajni
read on...
There is only one sun...
I will complete the above riddle at the end of this mail. Now, back to what I wanted to write about. After marriage, I was a bit reluctant on bringing out my Super Star mania to her. Well...not that I felt bad about it but its like...you know...hmm...how will a girl look at somebody who adores a cinema star and goes berserk on his new movie release days. Seemed like a hard sell. Anyhow, it eventually needed to come out and it did. Surprisingly, she was cool about it when I told.
Finally D-day arrives. On the day before Kuselan release, I gently tell her that I will be up by 5:30 am next day so that I can drive to Hosur (about 25 km) to catch up with the exclusive fan's show (thanks to naadas!). She does not believe that I will get up and takes it light. Hmm...girls!....:) ....So, next day dawns and I do it for the first time ever in Bangalore...get up by 5:30 am without the alarm...Quickly dress up and get going along with three other friends. First drink of the day is ...he he he....wine in the car.
7 am.
We reach Hosur Raghavendra theatre by 7 am to the sound of Fireworks. The celebrations and hoardings are toned down (since this is not a pucca Rajni movie). Yet, the place wears a festive look. Something strikes me quick. Most of them present are over 30. And well behaved (believe me....I have been to first day shows in Albert theatre in Egmore and the crowds there are really crazy!) The worn steel grille gates could not hold the mad rush of people trying to get inside. The theatre guards start shouting and an aged person (some 40 years old) comes up with something I have never ever heard before.
Guard : deii...#$#%^^..olunga varisaya pongada (hey....#$#$%^....go in a line)
Aged : thambi....naanga kadavule paaka porom....idhu (points to theatre) enga koil...onnum panna maatom!....(bro..we are going to see our God...this theatre is our temple...nothing will happen)
Guard : (gives a puzzled look and moves away)
Aged : (says to the crowd in general) naan inga 25 varushama varen..hmm.. (am coming here for the last 25 years)
The crows jostles and me lands inside the theatre with a big shove! Wheww.....We quickly occupy the wooden seats and wait for the darshan (he he..). No AC in the theatre. No fans where we sat. We sweat and wait......It happens in the sixteenth minute. And everything else is forgotten!....The last 20 minutes of the movie rocks us. We make out of the theatre straight to office.
7 pm.
This is an entirely different world. Forum mall is one of the happening places in Bangalore (bomb or not...:). The crowd is hep; you smell Australian cookies. The might of Indian economy: the rising middle class is amply seen. Am again with a larger group of friends and my wife. The PVR theatre ambience is real good. Once inside the theatre, the crowd dynamics is typically the same for Thalaivar!. The 16th minute...the same excitement!
I witness
Two worlds;
Different types of people;
Same behaviour.
There is one scene in the movie where Vadivelu on seeing Super Star goes wierd and starts acting mad! That was the act of the day and I could fit any fan in that scene and see the same result....:)
As we come out and slowly dissolve into reality, she asks me....'When did you become this big a fan?' Am puzzled for an answer. When? Why? Was it his on screen or off screen presence? Was it his struggles and eventual success? Was it his simplicity? I don't know.
I only know
There is only one sun...
There is only one super star.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Nacho Libre
Watch out for
1) The way Jack Black howls 'Nachooooooooooooo'
2) The lean guy who fights with Jack
3) Chancho - the kid at the monastery
4) And Ana ...sigh....what a beauty!....she will melt your heart! ...:)
5) The songs in the movie are fabulous! Feels like a tamil movie..:)..
6) The song that Jack sings in the end and the letter he writes to Ana...:)
7) The walk that Jack takes Ana and his antics with those pants...:)
There are some fine moments in this feel good movie that will leave you smiling. Catch it up on DVD. Its worth it.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Present Day Problems....Present Day Solutions
Two kids are fighting out. You walk to them and find out that its about having a chocolate. What will you do?
1) You sit down with each one of them separately; find out about their families; find out their lineage. You look at the chocolate; make out the manufacturer's name; trace him down; find out the manufacturing process; see if the above kid's ancestors had a hand in it somewhere. Additionally, you look at neighboring kids; assess their importance. Look at neighboring chocolate manufacturers; assess their importance. With all these mind bewildering data crunched in your skull, you make the all important decision of handing over the chocolate to one kid. In the process, you perennially make enemies with the other kid who will, after 10 long years, still wait with a stone hidden in his pocket to nuke you or the other guy out.
2) You split the chocolate into two and give it to the kids.
What should you do?
Now, all the solutions are not going to be as easy as option 2. Problems are not as simple as a chocolate. But the point to note is that you look at a problem as a present day problem and give a present day solution.
In a way, my analogy to humans as kids stands true if you consider the evolution of universe vis a vis humans. Now, here we are a race who are not the first to arrive in earth; who do not know where we came from; who do not know where we are going to end up. But still in that tiny weeny time in between, what do we do? We focus our energy to wreak havoc. Smell something?
You cannot and never will be able to do justice to any party if you look back at history and try to address grievances. This will result in prejudiced views and the sect powerful in that point of time is going to drive you nuts here. Am not saying that immediate past needs to be ignored. But you cannot keep forever going back.
When you drive a car or a bike, I agree that you do use the rear view mirror. But heyy...you look back for what...say the past 50 feet?...not all the way back from where you started!...Got it?
Getting Ready...
Muncie, IN - Jersey City, NJ - Buffalo, NY - Muncie, IN
hmmm...the first one is the hardest with 685 miles. Hopefully, I still have that thing in me to drive....:)
I will be meeting a lot of friends. Can't wait...:)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
So, what am I trying to say?
Get fooled, guys. Its sometimes good to have wounds in a battle field than a clean slate.
nooru roova notta paatha, kaadhal varum keluda
ooru poora suthi vandhen...paathedhelaam jaalam da.
Sleep songs
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Dark Knight
Its been awhile since I wrote about movies. This short period of solitude has given arise to such an opportunity. Now, to the movie which has been haunting me for quite sometime now. Also, as a statistic, I have now seen this movie more than any other movie in my lifetime yet. Its The Dark Knight. (Virumaandi and The Prestige are a close second).
Am not going to cover anything about the story or the actors. No...am writing more on what struck me after these multitude of viewings. The below thing might make sense only if you have seen the movie once.
1) In the whole movie, there is not even one shot of the Sun nor there is Sunlight shown. Gotham (as in the comics) is always portrayed gloomy with overcast skies.
2) In the climax, after Harvey's death, Gordon and Batman discuss on what will happen. Now that Harvey is dead (that too with a bad reputation of killing cops), Gordon tells Batman that 'people would lose hope', Batman looks up (to Gordon's kid above who is not shown) and says 'They won't'. He means the kid (analogy : young generation) who believes on Batman.
3) Batman and Joker share a lot in common. At least if you look at the way they think: - When Bruce Wayne throws a party, the moment he enters, he throws the question 'Where is Harvey Dent?'. When Joker enters the same party at a later point of time, he throws the same question. - Batman revers Harvey Dent. For Batman, Harvey is the symbol whom he can never be. Joker sees the same (that Dent is the best among Gotham city inmates) but looks at destroying such a symbol.
4) Only in two ways, Batman and Joker differ. First, Batman plays by one rule and Joker never does that. Another is Joker thinks alone and does things whereas Batman keeps consulting with Alfred and Lucius. We have to acknowledge that Joker is far intelligent.
5) In the hospital, Joker tells Harvey that he (Joker) is a guy without plan. He tells him that he is like a dog chasing cars. In a way, Joker plans things right from the start. Everything goes to a plan for him (for e.g., he getting arrested to get Lau and hence the money location). But the thing is that he does not care about the results of how the plans actually go.
6) When Joker escapes from the prison, he is shown sticking out his head outside the police car. Note that he is not driving. This is one of the scenes that shows us that he has police accomplices.
7) In the climax when Batman throws Joker out from the top of the building, you can actually hear Joker laughing. Thats because he is happy that he broke Batman's one rule. Later, Batman catches him and Joker groans....:)
8) Joker predicts way ahead in the movie how Batman will be treated in the end. In the prison interrogation scene, Joker tells the Batman that the people, once they dont have a need for him (Batman), will throw him out like a leper. This happens in the end when even though Batman finds Joker and ends the menace, people still treat him to be a cop killer.
9) What do you think would have happened if the people or prisoners (on two separate boats) pressed the button to blow the other boat? Trying to think like the Joker, my guess is that their own boat would have been blown up!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Why do friends leave me?
Is it because I pick new friends? Do I?
Kan moodinaal, Irul edhu...neeye therigerai.
(When I close my eyes, I don't see darkness. I see you.)
Friday, April 03, 2009
Happily 'friend' after?
There are no second thoughts about this.
Friendship is not destined to last forever. Sometimes, its best to move on with the sweet memories safely tucked inside. Priorities change; People change. Whats wrong? nothing. Do we still love the same toys we treasured in childhood? Do we still visit our college or school we thought we can never ever leave and cried hard on the last day? Do we still treasure our bicycles in front of our bikes and cars?
As we grow up, its more responsibilities (read miseries). And a friend might not be able to pitch in for each of your problems or share your joys the same way as before. And add the new relations you pick up along the way and their complexities....its best that you don't bring them on board.
So, is there something wrong about this whole thing? About losing friends whom you thought you can never ever part for a moment? No. Its the way of growing up. Funny...when I was young, I used to think why do my father and mother spend less time with their friends? Now, it dawns on me. Nice good way to make something clear to you...:)
A casual mail or a phone call to that long last friend sometimes tries to rekindle those old memories. I savor them for that moment and lock them up again....:)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Same Sh*t...Different Game.
Indian Elections 2009.
From the early 90s, India has seen more of coalition governments. In my opinion, coalition governments are one of the trajectories of a true democracy. It gives the regional state governments more power at the center.
But am not here to talk about that.
Back till the 90s, India had a two party system fighting out at the center. The regional parties used to support one of the parties' candidates. Later, it changed to the regional parties entering into pre-poll alliances with the center parties and fielding their own candidates (first with a small percentage and then growing into large percentages). This has been the story all along till this year.
Now there is a new game in place.
No regional party wants a truck with the center parties just yet. And vice versa. The idea is to go it alone in the elections (with their own promises and manifestos). Get as many seats as possible. Then, post-polls, look at which center party has the largest number (or which alliance can fetch the largest number) and start talks with them for forming the government. Believe me....this is the jackpot of all ideas with so many benefits.
One, there is no incumbency factor. Even if a party was in an alliance with the erstwhile ruling party, they can say that they are not there in that now alliance and all along they have been vehemently opposing it from within. If you carefully listen, verbage such as moralilty, conscience, back stabbing, etc. will figure in their speech. Ohh....its just the cream whipped up your ****....:)
Two, there are a string of loose alliances formed now. But no party is committing to stay in the alliance post-polls! How is this great idea?.....:) Wonder of sorts, all the parties seem to like this idea. When I think over it, it seems to make sense in this manner - When I walk into a store to buy something, will I be acceptable with money or without money in there? With money, of course. Now, do the store people worry how I get the money?....:)....does it make sense now? Same pinch.
Three, the parties are now going to kindle a lot of passion and get the votes. But don't be surprised if they realign with the same parties they would have foul mouthed before the elections. Can you go and wipe out your vote then? nopes, I don't think so.
Four, whom will the people vote for or against? They don't know if some X regional party is going to support Y or Z center party after the polls. This must be the only elections where the people are the confused lot going to vote to some party believing that
Hmm.....sometimes, the twists in a horror movie are far less, I guess. Oh boy....I can't just wait for this roller coaster ride. Being one of the common man, am going to sit back; read the papers; listen to speeches; argue over tea with friends; make a decision; cast my vote and.....wait for the fun to start....maybe to be fooled.
All in the game. But wait...
Same sh*t....Different Game.