If you are an atheist, there is just one religion for you. If you are a theist, then God save you! Half the problems in today's world are either through religion or religious men.
I am a theist. I am not religious.
I do not want to get into whether Religions came through God(s). All I make out is that there were some very clever men behind the framework of each religion. Generation after generation, these men moulded the framework. They thought of all the problems in society at that point of time and tried to address them in the framework. They also thought of all the natural disasters and calamities they did not understand then and again fit them in the framework. Add to it, things they did not like happening in the society and lo! they are the most important part of the framework.
The end products, as we see today, is the work of so many people. But what we fail to understand, across religions, is that they were still human made. Tell me one product made by humans which is infallible and irrefutable?
The question is not whether I need to follow a religion. The question to ask is whether I, as a human, need to follow another human blindly? If some human, who just by living a few thousand years before me has the advantage of giving a path to God, why can't I find my own new path to reach my God? What makes someone who lived before special and me ordinary? Nothing!
So, are religions bad? No. Are there good things in religious? Yes. But can they be better? Certainly!
I don't care about people who practice their weirdest path as long as they do not harm others.
More importantly, my heart bleeds for a few people caught in some religion who cannot break the shackles. They are those who hate some customs in their religions but can never come out or talk about it. What wrong did they do? Can't they have their freedom?
God made Man. Man made religion. What is religion fast making? End of Earth.
Excellent piece of comment CS! I agree with you...As if the problems created by religions are not enough, man invented caste too :-)
I think the other half the problems, which people don’t have to face now, is also because of believing religion.
The so called man-made framework, was done by only a few and not all from past. Most of the few were intelligent enough, so we blindly follow the best. I feel that the framework was created on a theory in doing some good for the intellect’s immediate society which might not hold good for a bigger society now. It is as simple as it is, we respect big leaders we have seen in last 50-100 years, and we find it tough to accept the regulations created by one’s, whom we don’t know the face too.
I personally feel religions can also be used as one big tool which can be used to stop 'End of Earth' factors these days. After all religion is the final stop a human has to fear so that he can succeed.
I think the other half the problems, which people don’t have to face now, is also because of believing religion.
The so called man-made framework, was done by only a few and not all from past. Most of the few were intelligent enough, so we blindly follow the best. I feel that the framework was created on a theory in doing some good for the intellect’s immediate society which might not hold good for a bigger society now. It is as simple as it is, we respect big leaders we have seen in last 50-100 years, and we find it tough to accept the regulations created by one’s, whom we don’t know the face too.
I personally feel religions can also be used as one big tool which can be used to stop 'End of Earth' factors these days. After all religion is the final stop a human has to fear so that he can succeed.
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