Am a voracious meat eater. So, was more than happy when I heard of the rib fest this weekend at Muncie. Restaurants/families in towns and villages around Muncie get together yearly in Muncie and make what they are best at.....pork ribs. Aaaah...the smell that hangs in the air....hmmmm....makes your taste buds go berserk! The pork ribs are barbecued and given right away piping hot! And with Heorots beer to accompany, you never want to leave that place. Add to it, a lots of music bands playing music all around. It was a carnival, guys!....:)
I had ribs from two of the best places (had to wait in the line too long but worth it!). I also had elephant ears and funnel cake. The former is so close to our channa batura and the latter is almost like one of the snack we get in India. Both were delicious!
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