Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Everyday Gods...


Travelling to office by bus in the morning. Bus breaks down. You walk some distance to hail a cab/auto. Late to office. Missed a meeting. Boss was looking for you. Tensions build up.


A week prior, the same bus you traveled is in the workshop. A mechanic talks to his sweetie on phone and misses to put in a nut properly.


Someone doing something at someplace affects you. Period. Chaos Theory. Butterfly effect. Blah Blah. Yes, we do understand that. But are still looking at what is affecting you. Think further. You are affecting someone else too!

You might be doing the most mundane and boring job in this whole world. Nobody even comes and thanks you for the job you are doing. But working effectively could save someone 'a walk' next time. Perhaps more.

Happy New Year 2011!

(Thanks to dear Sara for this photo)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Anbu Thalaivaaa...

It was 5:30 AM. A group of 1000 people were huddled in an enclosure waiting with bated breath. In front of the crowd, a select group of people were waiting with bags and bags of flowers. And then...White light hit the crowd and the letter R appeared. Then, everything happened all at once. R freezed; Flowers hit the light; the crowd went berserk and a thousand voices hit a high pitch all in unison.

The scene, as I witnessed, is Endhiran release in Hosur on Oct 1, 2010. The scene, as I did not witness, is Endhiran release all over the world screens.

Now, this is not a hyped or forced group of people for a political party or religious gathering. This group is not formed to get something in return. This group does not get some name or fame for being what it is. Then, why? Why this adulation? Why this love to one man whom most of us would not even meet once in life? How come, generation after generation, for 30 years, has showered this selfless admiration to Thalaivar?

Some history and perspective here.

When Thalaivar came into Tamil Cinema (in 1975), it was just another entry. More a side role. Slowly, he grew and grew. He had his style to rely on. His mannerisms were unique. He had fans. In the 80s, he started giving hit after hit. His action and style were again the talking points. 90s saw him give Thalapathi, Annamalai and Baasha. This took him to a level from where he never looked back. Again, style played the prime role.

All alone, people started seeing a man who rose from nothing and became a star. People saw a man who, whenever he talked, talked from the heart. This was a never before. Thalaivar had an opinion on things. He did not play the suave game of appeasing powerful people. This off screen behaviour took him to heights where no actor has still not been. Directors started moulding his off screen behaviour into roles.

To me, he as a man, still dumbfounds me. I mean, my nose would have been somewhere up in the Himalayas if I had that power and money. Thalaivar still keeps his foot grounded (occasionally in Himalayas too). And believe me, he is not acting it. He cannot do it day in and day out. His true colors are thus. This, I believe, is where the common man connects with him.

Everyday, the everyday-man sees Rajni in the mirror. Everyday, Rajni is the mirror.

You know, everyone in this world, likes super-heroes. The ones that fly, do things. Its like identifying with someone whom you want to be but can never be. Thalaivar is like a super-hero to people. But the big difference is Thalaivar is real and they can very well be him.

When all of us walk out of his first day first show movie, we never discuss the movie. That is a mute point. We walk like Thalaivar. We talk like Thalaivar.

We are Thalaivar.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Cemetery of Gods

When you turn through every page in recorded and rumoured history, one or the other religion has been a pest. If you dig into it deeper, you will end up with a simple fact. You will find that, in that religion, there were more clowns than just men at that point of time. There is no religion without a blot or a bloodied history.

If there was a God(s) in each religion, believe me, He would have committed suicide multiple times and long been dead. When I go up, I would most likely make up my mind to find a cemetery of sorts for the Gods.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


At times, a leader should be 'possessed' and take the crowd with him. If he stops and starts hearing opinions and options, there will be no action. Depending on whether the leader is good or bad, the crowd exalts or suffers. These two states are better than no-state. If the crowd suffers, then the next leader is born out of the suffering. No better learning in this world than suffering.

Thus, civilizations and nations evolve.

Next time you want to make a decision, remember this. Why do you worry about laying a wrong path when there is no path before in the first place?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nandan and me in the village

It was a fun filled Diwali what with me staying in Elangadu for 10 days. Its a small village in Tanjavore, Tamil Nadu. With Nandan around, it was almost a fairy tale filled with goats (alive, of course), hens, cows in a picturesque canvas.

Mornings and evenings went with Nandan and me wandering through the dust and cow dung filled lanes of the village and the occasional trips to the riverside walk (which in India still means a 'restroom' for villagers). Nandan's routine usually is this: He will make me rest him on the parapet wall of the house and do a 'dikki dance' (shake his dikki with a rhythm :). Then, he will make me pluck a small piece of the banana leaf from the cluster of trees in front of the house. Whenever we step out of the house, from nowhere, will appear that brown goat (which I call as his 'friend' goat). Nandan will feed the goat properly leaning from my shoulder (all the while giving a peculiar grunt specially reserved for goats) and at the end will look at me in my eyes. Meaning: Go get some more leaves. :) Too bad that he does not know that his father was dreaming how good a biriyani that goat will make. he he....Everything's eventual, I guess.

Next, I take him to a Tractor (blazing red Mahindra). He will immediately want to perch on top of the hood and diagnose the air filter. Guess, some of my MIT and TAFE DNA got into him too. Next stop will be the panchayat school (till 5th std). Since I was there for 10 days, we got to see the school filled with kids. I make my trip to the school during the lunch time when the kids shout at the top of the voices and play around in the class. Nandan will give a bemused look at me. Meaning: what species inside? Next to the school is a shelter where a lot of cows will rest. I will be doing a small talk with a grandpa there while Nandan will be looking at one cow after the other and again giving some inane sounds.

In the evenings, I take him to the riverside. Its more of a stream and very less water seeps through it at this time of the year. But beyond the stream, acres and acres of agri lands stretch till the horizon dotted with those giant man-like electric transformers (I strongly believe that one day those will walk). Its a lovely sight filled with the birds chirping. Nandan cannot keep his head in one direction and keeps jumping here and there. Hard to hold him. By the time I return home, one puppy would visit the house barking ten times its size. Again, a puzzled look from junior.

When Ramya makes an appearance, everything is forgotten and he jumps to her as if I did not exist. My heart will just sink that one bit there till he suddenly will remember something and turn to my side and give a smile. That enough and makes my day all day!

Monday, October 18, 2010


The German chancellor has come up with something that is fast turning out to be the voice heard across Europe. Too fast at polarizing, guys. Alas! the world is at some crossroads which I wish did not happen during my lifetime. At one end, in the last 30 years or so, the world (read developed countries) opened up to globalization as it gave the cost savings they needed. Developing countries provided the resources, natural and human. Economies of the developed countries soared and led to the false sense of security. Slowly and steadily, their citizens kept losing their next door companies and jobs. Internal simmerings have started now which is leading to the current protectionist behaviour. Alas, you do not have a rewind button, guys. You just cannot U-turn back now.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Humor at office

After a marathon 3 hour meeting, my boss and me came out of our client office. It was a hot afternoon and we were hurrying to get back to our office which was like 15 kms away. Surprise awaited us at the parking lot where a cab had parked in front of my boss' car in a way that we could not take it out. Checking with the security yielded nothing. As per them, the cabbie could be anywhere. I walked to the cab and looked in and lo, found a trip sheet with the cab name. I turned and gave a victory smile to my boss. Called up my friend who quickly googled the cab's main help desk. I called them up; gave the cab number and waited. The phone rings. Neither mine nor my boss'. But someone just behind us who happened to be the cabbie looking the other way all the time!

So much for technology. I could as well be blind.

Friday, October 08, 2010

It's hard it comes down to this

Its hard not to
come down to this.

Everything's Eventual
in life - King said

How I wish somethings
were not?

Yeah. Wish, I can. Walking
down my friend.

How can I fit you
in that one word?

As I walk with you
My mind races back

Two teams together
not talking to each other

You walked upto me
and asked Why Saro?

It happened then -
Friends for Life.

There were times when
I turned to just one person

When everyone left
Genuine reason or not

When things were dark
When friends deserted

I was humbled - and looked
around for hope

You were there -
None else was

You alone healed
Knowingly or not.

What could have been a burning wound
is now just a scar.

It's been quite a ride after that.
And as always

It's hard it comes down
to this

How can I walk you
down my friend?

How can I walk
myself down?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Moving on..

Two years back, if I found myself alone at house, either of the below two things would have already happened. One - there would have been my gang of friends at my place dancing to loud music or debating the latest film topic. Two - I would have settled for a favorite movie of mine with my ever friendly beer or scotch. My friends would have had to bear out with my late-night-not-so-friendly calls. In short, the very idea of being alone would have excited me. This is not a I-lost-freedom-due-to-wife syndrom but rather Get-your-bachelorhood-when-wife-is-out effect!

Now, two years into the marriage and with my 7 month old 8 kilos weighing lump of myself into my life, I see things changing. I no longer crave for that high with that beer and scotch. The liking is still there. No doubt. But when I find my house empty, it leaves a craving for that furless ball kicking on my face or laughing with his toothless gums; those piercing eyes looking straight inside my mind and rearranging my priorities.

I guess am moving on. As I did from my childhood toys and bicycle. As I did from my favorite adoloscent hauntings and Chennai. The liking is still there but there is no craving. The good memories are still there but nothing urging to go back.

Which makes me think - Is life just a journey and not a destination?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Business Model

20 years back, an average working Indian would have had 10 Rupees in his pocket/dhoti and felt safe/secure for that day. His spendings for that day would not exceed that even if he turned a bit lavish.

Now, an average working Indian would carry 500 Rupees in his pocket/jeans and feel safe/secure for that day. His spendings for that day would not exceed 300 Rupees (considering inflation, etc.).

Now, a business model to loot that extra 200 Rupees is what I need to work on. Hmm..I believe this is the basis for a super market or an online market.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Here is a family pic...

taken on 11 Jun 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Its a dog's life

Take a bow.

No, not the medieval weapon. Rather the only character each one of us exhibit uniformly.

Its the literal meaning of subduing yourself. Of something you cannot quite comprehend and hence would rather submit to it. To somethings which you cannot live without and hence would willingly suck to them.

We do it at our religious places. Take a Bow.

We do it to Technology. Everywhere. Mobiles, TV, Internet, Electricity. Take a Bow.

We do it to Money. House, Car, Luxury, Food. Take a Bow.

We bow, bow and bow in life.

And there you go my friends, get the dog's rhythm and make our four legged friends happy.

...And yeah..keep practicing.



Being away from writing for a long time. Guess micro-blogging has taken me in. Yet, I have so much thoughts to write about. Just not finding the time yet to arrange them. Will get to it. If I listen to my inner heart, writing is where my love is....eventually, if I can, my career is.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Stephen Hawking is back and with what he does best. He predicts that aliens must exist.

It is a mathematical possibility (as Hawking states) and also simple reasoning might incline your mind to believe so.
Tangentially, two points
1) I am starting to believe that our Gods (any religion and particularly Hindu Gods) are actually aliens with superior powers who visited (or keep visiting) Earth. References in epics of sophisticated weapons and air travel might just allude to this thought. Also, imagine this scenario: a group of small insects living in a hill in a very remote forest. Lets assume that they are intelligent to communicate among themselves and have been living there for generations. One day, a vehicle (say a bull dozer) goes two miles far, mowing down. The vehicle does not return till another 5 years (by which generations of insects would have come and gone). Now, what will be the insects' knowledge passed through generations on that unidentified object? What would be the present generation's thought?
2) Stephen's last point (read last para in that link) actually is a very very likely scenario to happen to Earth itself. Knowing his intelligence, he may have been giving a cryptic clue to us. ha ha ha!
PS : I personally think the article is a marketing strategy (and those visuals they have described..he he)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Secret of Success

In any culture, the bridegroom gets that special treatment during the marriage from the bride, in-laws, relatives, etc. It subsides gradually as time passes. Still I know of some people who have that 'respect' at their home and in-laws place for long years now.

Now I thought how do they retain it?


They will sweat it outside to grow up in life. On the way, they would meet with the choicest abuses from their bosses, peers, subordinates. Yet, they will keep pushing and pulling to get ahead.

Such people who face the f**k in the outside world are the ones who face the flute at home. Because, they succeed in life by crawling through s**t (as Red says in Shawshank Redemption).

No pain, no gain.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Clench your Fist and Raise your Hand


You are visiting a hospital to take your wife for a checkup and sitting in the hospital reception killing time when your wife is inside doing the checkup. A small argument starts out at the counter and you start overhearing (as the others around you). The counter people are bullying someone on following some never before heard rule and the receiving guy is thoroughly confused and hurt.

You are waiting in a bus stop near a traffic light. You see some traffic policemen bullying some hapless guy over something missing in his document.

While on lunch, you are waiting in a queue to get your turn to the food counter. Somebody senior in the company jumps the queue and starts haggling over something petty with the guy serving the food.

Traffic at its worst. Some political or religious outfit having a show of their own.

What do we all do in such cases? Mute. Mute. Mute.

We take a look at the situation strictly to kill our own time. Do we step in? No. Partly because, we will get our turn with the harasser some point of time and we do not want to be in his/her wrong books at that time. Partly because, inside we are weak and do not want to stand up against the system. The system which can, in one sweep, make us a nobody.

Before I type anything further:

Am part of this 'us'. Am not a hero. I do not flex my muscle and stand up against the system. But my question is do we need to be a hero? If we take some of the known super humans in our history, we can clearly see that there were problems before their entry and there were still the same problems after their exit. So, what is a hero worth? Nothing.

Because one person cannot solve everything. Why are we always looking above for the miracles? We...humans... are the miracles. The system is our mess. Mess created generation after generation of humans. It is upto us to clear the mess. Collective response to a situation is the only way to stand up against the system.

So, what do we do in all the above cases? We need to start letting the system know that there are some things we do not like. How?

Clench your Fist and Raise your Hand.

Nothing more. Nothing less. The harasser and the system need to know. That is all. If everyone around there takes a stand and let's the system know, that is the change that will ripple through the system.

Eventually some day, maybe not in our lifetime, still the system will change.

For now and till then, just raise your hand. Take a stand.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

VTV Mannipaya song - beautiful lyrics

Found these beautiful words in the song 'mannipaya' from Vinnai Thaandi Varuvaya...will try translating below

காற்றிலே ஆடும்
காகிதம் நான் -
நீ தான் என்னை
கடிதம் ஆக்கினாய்

அன்பில் தொடங்கி
அன்பில் முடிக்கிறேன் -
என் கலங்கரை விளக்கமே!

I was still a paper
when you picked up


I became a letter
beginning and ending
only with love.

Monday, February 22, 2010

And henceforth he's...

...Nandan Ram Saro.

Nandan - first name
Ram - middle name (short for Ramya)
Saro - last name (I shortened my name Saravanan to Saro and used it as his last name)

Pictures taken on my birthday and Nandan's functions (Puniyadanam - done to take him outside the house; Kaapu - done to take Ramya and Nandan to my home).



Thursday, February 04, 2010

God, give me more than a life
i need them to live for
more than my family....
i need to live it for
my friend.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Junior Saro ....Devar Magan....born on 11th Jan in Tanjore...For now, disturbing sleeps of his parents and grandparents....:)

Not yet named.....For now, he is nicknamed Ra-Sa (Ramya + Saro)
