Hmmm..I know that talking of New Year at this time is really late. But hey...this was one New Year with my college friends at Miami. Now, that is something to remember about for a long time! College friends go a long way and we meet every year for our SANGAMAM in Chennai since 2001. It is total fun (read 'drinks, dance'). Best thing about our college gang is that our friendships were not limited to departments. Everytime, SANGAMAM was in a different location. The last time we had was on the night of Dec 25, 2004 in a seaside resort in Chennai. am not sure how many of you recognize that date. Ya..it was the day before the Tsunami stuck! To this day, I thank an unknown 'setu' who saved half of us (for sure!) by booking that same resort on the morning of Dec 26. Coming back to the topic, this time around, some of us in US planned a small get together in Miami for the New Year. The snap shows us partying at a South Beach restaurant on New Year. Hopefully, we will have a full fledged SANGAMAM in Chennai sometime this year.
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