Monday, October 18, 2010


The German chancellor has come up with something that is fast turning out to be the voice heard across Europe. Too fast at polarizing, guys. Alas! the world is at some crossroads which I wish did not happen during my lifetime. At one end, in the last 30 years or so, the world (read developed countries) opened up to globalization as it gave the cost savings they needed. Developing countries provided the resources, natural and human. Economies of the developed countries soared and led to the false sense of security. Slowly and steadily, their citizens kept losing their next door companies and jobs. Internal simmerings have started now which is leading to the current protectionist behaviour. Alas, you do not have a rewind button, guys. You just cannot U-turn back now.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Humor at office

After a marathon 3 hour meeting, my boss and me came out of our client office. It was a hot afternoon and we were hurrying to get back to our office which was like 15 kms away. Surprise awaited us at the parking lot where a cab had parked in front of my boss' car in a way that we could not take it out. Checking with the security yielded nothing. As per them, the cabbie could be anywhere. I walked to the cab and looked in and lo, found a trip sheet with the cab name. I turned and gave a victory smile to my boss. Called up my friend who quickly googled the cab's main help desk. I called them up; gave the cab number and waited. The phone rings. Neither mine nor my boss'. But someone just behind us who happened to be the cabbie looking the other way all the time!

So much for technology. I could as well be blind.

Friday, October 08, 2010

It's hard it comes down to this

Its hard not to
come down to this.

Everything's Eventual
in life - King said

How I wish somethings
were not?

Yeah. Wish, I can. Walking
down my friend.

How can I fit you
in that one word?

As I walk with you
My mind races back

Two teams together
not talking to each other

You walked upto me
and asked Why Saro?

It happened then -
Friends for Life.

There were times when
I turned to just one person

When everyone left
Genuine reason or not

When things were dark
When friends deserted

I was humbled - and looked
around for hope

You were there -
None else was

You alone healed
Knowingly or not.

What could have been a burning wound
is now just a scar.

It's been quite a ride after that.
And as always

It's hard it comes down
to this

How can I walk you
down my friend?

How can I walk
myself down?